Explore Queensland
ATP 1183 - Roma Shelf Oil and Gas Project
The Company holds 100% of ATP 1183, which is located in close proximity to established production facilities and infrastructure, as illustrated in the location map. There are existing gas processing facilities at Silver Springs (AGL) and Kincora (ADZ Energy)
ATP 1183 contains multiple exploration targets, as summarised in the table below.
Resource Potential of ATP 1183 Exploration Prospects
After completion of the near-term Victorian exploration program, the Company will resume exploration activity in Queensland. As regards the Wellesley Prospect, the Company envisages it may carry out an iodine survey to assist with design of a 3D seismic survey to better delinate the Wellesley Dome structure and, in turn, allow selection of site(s) for future exploration drilling.
ATP 1183 Location Map
ATP 1183 Exploration Prospects