Corporate Governance.
The Board of Directors and Management of Lakes Blue Energy are committed to the highest standards of Corporate Governance. Employee welfare, diversity, environmental stewardship and positive business operations are fundamental to the Company’s success.
Lakes Blue Energy NL is committed to establishing and maintaining an inclusive workplace that embraces and promotes Diversity.
The company Diversity Policy sets out Lakes Blue Energy commitment to Diversity and inclusion in the workplace and provides a framework to achieve the company diversity goals. The Policy recognises the benefits arising from employee, senior management and Board diversity including a broader pool of high-quality employees, improved employee retention, accessing different perspectives and ideas and benefiting from all available talent.
The Board provides input to assist in identifying and understanding emerging trends and issues, setting the broad framework within which strategic and business plans will be prepared, recommending any significant shifts in the direction of the company, reviewing, developing and approving its long-term strategic plan and ensuring the company develops annual business plans to achieve its strategic objectives.
The Board has established a Whistleblower Policy that sets out the procedure for disclosure of information that qualifies for protection under the Corporations Act or the Whistleblower Policy. It applies to Directors, management and employees of the company (and their relatives), as well as to suppliers of the Company.
As a listed public company, Lakes Blue Energy must keep the market informed via the ASX of news, events and developments as they occur to ensure that trading in the Company’s securities takes place in an efficient, fair and competitive environment. Lakes is committed to maintain compliance with ASX listing Rules and the continuous disclosure requirements of the Corporations Act.
Lakes Blue Energy is committed to developing and maintaining positive, long-term relationships with the communities within which it operates.
The Audit and Risk Committee is a Committee established under the Company’s Constitution. This charter sets out the scope of the Audit and Risk Committee's responsibilities in relation to the Company and assists the Board to meet its obligations as required by regulatory compliance, as well as addressing all matters pertaining to audit and risk matters in the 3rd Edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles.
Lakes Blue Energy recognises the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting privacy of it’s shareholders, employees and other related parties when handling your personal information. From the outset, it should be noted that all personally identifiable information is managed with the utmost confidentiality. 1.2 This Privacy Policy explains how the Company will collect, hold, use, disclose, protect and otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
This Board Charter sets out the principles for the operation of Lakes Blue Energy Board of Directors and describes the functions of the Board. The Board is responsible for the Governance of the Company and the Charter sets out the role and responsibilities of the Board, which responsibilities are delegated to Board Committees or to management, along with Board membership and operation.
Lakes Blue Energy is committed to conducting its operations and business activities with integrity and preventing bribery or corruption by its Directors, officers, employees or any party acting on its behalf and is compliant to anti‐bribery and corruption laws. The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy supplement Lakes Blue Energy’s Code of Conduct by setting out expected Company conduct to minimize risk of bribery or corruption occurring in connection with its operations and activities and provides guidance on how to deal with instances of bribery or corruption.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a committee of the Lakes Blue Energy Board of Directors and is established under the Company's constitution. The charter sets out the scope of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee's responsibilities in relation to the Company. The Nomination & Remuneration Committee assists the Board to achieve its objective by ensuring the Company has a Board of an effective composition, size and commitment to adequately discharge its responsibilities and duties and has coherent remuneration policies and practices to attract and retain executives and directors who will create value for shareholders.
The Board has established a Securities Trading Policy to regulate trading by Directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries (and their closely connected persons) in Company Securities or Securities of other companies.